Monday, November 8, 2021


There have been times I forget how many brushes with death I've had, with at least three of them where I was declared dead, but came back to life. I keep thinking I have completed everything I have wanted to do on my bucket list, so isn't it my time yet? On one occasion, I came out of my physical body and greeted my heavenly grandfather. During our conversation, I was told that is was not yet my time. Dang! I had forgot another time when a letter dropped out of one of the many history boxes I have been going through. While living in the Fort Union part of Salt Lake County, I asked my two boys-Justin and Troy if they wanted to go tubing down in my hometown of Nephi, Utah. They were excited, so we filled up the innertubes and headed south. The date was on my sisters birthday in 1991. Justin was 12 and Troy was 11. I had already taught them how to get out of a burning house; CPR and how to drive. All those things came in handy on a variety of occasions. I knew a place at the head of Nephi Canyon where kids had been tubing, so that was our destination. I went first and that part was fun. Then the trouble came when I took a tumble at the end, hitting my head on a protruding rock. Playing high school football years before was a different era. One would often get knocked out and the Coach would break a smelling salt at your nose and we would go back in fighting, thinking nothing of the bleeding or residual headaches. Not this time, as I was knocked cold and the boys came down as I wasn't moving. I didn't recall much of what went on after that, but both boys said that my heart stopped and my color had changed to gray. It was then that eleven year old Troy took action, pushing on my chest. I came back to life and was breathing on my own. I told the boys I needed to get to a hospital and they helped get me in the car and Troy started to drive me to where he thought the Juab County Hospital was as it was on our way up to the Tubing Hill. Troy could only see the road between the steering wheel while Justin instructed him to keep left or right. Believe it or not, a mile later we arrived at the E.R. but still couldn't recall who or where I was. One of the nurses recognized me and announced that by sister was working in the nearby Medical Clinic who came over to identify me. Her face was familiar, but didn't know her, so they put me in an ambulance and shipped me to the Utah Valley Hospital in Provo with a concussion. My sister took the kids to that hospital and Justin stayed up all night with me. I had a severe brain concussion, but not a subdural hematoma, so my brain cleared and I was given another chance. At this stage of life-age 74, I am not sure how many chances are left as I have already had four brain Sub-Dural hematomas; injected with a Covid Vaccine, which gave me the China Virus; shot in the face with a shotgun; three shoulder replacements; two broken backs; broken hip; three knee surgeries with one turning to Merca and having to call 911 from the hospital bed to get help; nose surgery that went bad shutting down by kidneys and other body functions and a few other things. So Justin, you have already saved my life with the blotched nose surgery, and now that I found the dairy of what Troy did to save my life, thanks boys, I am proud of you. Dementia may now be settling in, so just put me on a small plane with no parachute or gas and I will take a small flight over the sagebrush. Remember, I know how to fly a 747 and been in one plane crash with niece Samantha. Thanks TROY COYN JONES. 

Love Dad.


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