Thursday, November 18, 2021


To many youngins, 1961 through 1975 was long before their birth or when history books skip over important events of the world. Things occurred back in the 1960's we didn't think were important, but they were then, and remain so, especially to the millions that were affected by the War in Viet Nam, a country most of us never heard of. If you ask the rice paddy folks that lived in Viet Nam, they called it the America War, as years before the French did the same as we did-invade a country we had no knowledge of. When the US sent "advisors" to DaDang in 1961, they could have sent French Advisors or talked to the French Catholics who were already there, and perhaps, just perhaps, we could have saved a life or two, including the Nephi Medic who rushed up on the front line to aid a soldier who maintained his gut ached. That Medic was killed by enemy fire, later finding the fake injury was by a soldier who was sick of fighting. It only got worst when the dead Medic was replaced by another Nephi Medic! Well, regardless of what you may have read or heard, here are "My" facts, as seen and written by one who spent time in Nam-not as a soldier, but on a "Humanitarian" trip for several weeks. The statistics are my own, and unclassified with the State Department. Use it for teaching to prevent more catastrophic events of the future, as Hal Jones and I did to a variety of students. We show the entertainment of yesteryear while some of our family members were called to do their American duty.

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