Wednesday, November 22, 2023


I was just going to let todays moment in history go by, but something stirred up the thoughts of yesteryear, so had to get out of a slumber to write of it. On Nov. 22, 1963, the President of the United States was shot and killed in the same Texas City that they spit on another American Leader-Adlai Stevenson a few weeks before. Dallas folks were usually open to US leaders, but on those days, they were not. Most Americans have forgot that day, as we prepare to rush out for Black Friday specials but for the Nephi Jones Family and Juab High School, we will never forget that day. The cold war was a hot agenda, and we would practice running for cover preparing for the Russians to bomb and kill us all. We were stunned and even by my brother and I came home from school and wept. We thought it was the end of our lives in our small rural Nephi. I had been sitting in the Ag. class taught by Jay Dalley.  They had just installed a speaker system in all the classrooms, and we thought it was a weird prank we heard the news over the loud speaker. It was real and a sad day for Americans. Years later, I traveled to Dallas for a week to investigate that murder, and although it was a personal and private investigation, I received full cooperation from police and others in the school book house where Lee Harvey Oswald killed our leader. I stood at the same window Oswald did and picked up a broom to point in the same spot he was shot. Police helped me search the Grassy Knoll area. To me, it was a simple murder case, but many folks, including the crazy media wanted to come up with all kinds of BS, only to make a name for themselves on TV. Their frenzy worked, as they did become popular for the suckers that got hooked on TV News. It is a  day the Juab High Students and Senior Americans will never ever forget.

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