Thursday, December 21, 2023


I gave up watching any news on TV more than 45 years ago. Back then, I was working with a variety of police operations when the TV reporters had access to the radios we spoke on. Often time those reporters were on the scene of a special operation and interfered with the work. The head people tried to explain the situation, but the media found ways to leak it, and often fouled things up or reported only the things their bosses or editors wanted to show. It was a double edge sword, as often times if police wanted to nab a bad guy, they had to co-operate with the TV news or papers to get the public's help. But not for me. I didn't want to read or see something that was totally false or even misleading. I do remember the time when the best newspaper in the USA was one called the GRIT. I think it went out of business a long time ago. Apparently folks, like the Tabloid Junk that started in the British Isles, then spread here. Anywho, we have a few papers from 40 years ago, as I had the compulsion to save a paper from every State or Country I had visited during 42 years of traveling the globe. I now find more pleasure reading the good old stuff, then use them to start by wood burning stove.

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