Saturday, August 31, 2024


A group of one of the Sawmills that was operated by Evan Harris of Nephi, Utah occurred a couple weeks ago by 13 Kin of Mormon Pioneer Evan Harris was conducted on Evans Ridge and Sawmill Canyon, both named after Evan Harris of Nephi, Utah. As a kid, my father drove his truck down to where one of the Sawmill's was, and it was fun to research the area. Most of the implement's he used has now been stolen by hikers or hunters who used the road by truck and mules who then pawned it for sale or melted it down for love of cash more than history. When the Forest Service was established in 1905, most folks didn't seem to appreciate the excessive taxes they created or the unmanaged control of the Americas of  open land. Often times, passing people, like the Federal Government, had little or no knowledge of the strong winds who ordered "Let it burn" policy in their Washington DC chairs, having no apparent knowledge like the local people, then it was reported that  Hollywood "Tree Huggers" had more cents that sense and forced the Feds to block many of the open roads and trails throughout Utah and Juab County. Years ago, Juab County ask me to help fight the Feds to testify in Federal Court to keep the forest roads open. I foresaw what the outcome would be as the County was defeated and my maps and testimony were destroyed so it couldn't be appealed. The "let it burn" is said to have killed many deer and animals; cattle; trees; hiking trailer and cabins that had been built before the Forest Service was born as well as the BLM. In  addition to the implements burned or stolen in Sawmill Canyon, Evan Harris lived and operated a Sawmill on private land below where the Ockeys had their RV park That sawmill and the historic home of the Harris has now been destroyed by fire, again we heard by local firefighters say it was another "let it burn" order from the DC Federals. That RV park has how been closed due to reported excessive control by Nephi City; State of Utah and the Federal Government over water; power lines over the beautiful area and land. In order to give perspective of all and to give thanks to the Evan Harris original family of Nephi for providing a book of the Mormon Pioneers of Nephi log homes which include bringing the logs down for the log cabin at the Nephi Pioneer Park as asked by Alice P. McCune, President of DUP and she paid tribute to him at his 1934 Funeral. As a part of my duty as a law enforcement officer, I am afraid to admit I was a party to appending the  "sawmill gang"  who illegally cut telephone poles near Moab.  All were "tree huggers".  I am a tree lover but hate those that do so with no respect.                                             

Top row: Kent, Clint, Bonnie, Hal, Jaynette, Rob, Jack, Jarett, Wyatt, Weston
                                                      Bottom Row: Hailey, Kami, Brooke 

                                Hal Jones in old tree stand for deer hunters or eye out for Forest cops.                                                                 Jarett Snyder finding Spike to hold Sawmill Up




Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Often times, our life's on earth are just a challenge to all of us. I see it as only a test to gain the strength to get back to our real home from whence we were once sent here. During his last years on earth. I would often take 90 plus year old Ron Jones for a ride. He was a true American Cowboy and had the wisdom of such. When asked of the hardships he went through, he acknowledged them, saying that everyone has their own special challenges, and our jobs were like his western philosophy to "just hang on for eight  seconds" and it will be over. I believe that to be true and tired to teach my two sons that. And the rest of us may not ever really know the burdens each of us carry, but we need to be able to help them carry the share of their load, with out breaking our own backs. After I married, and drank of the pure water of Nephi canyon, a magical and mystical thing happened. Two toe headed kids were born and it fulfilled my purpose in life. At the time I thought it was just going to last eighteen years and all the work would be over. Well, no quite. I had enjoyed the times we spent together in sports, hiking, farming and riding horses together. As kids hit the teenage age, they pick up new friends and it seemed like I didn't have the control on them like I did before. In the photo, there should be three guys on the porch of  the Nephi Jones Family house that has been graduating kids to Adults since 1885. That photo was taken my me in 1984 after the man in the middle-Alma Jones called the night before, to see if I could help plaster the wall leading down to the homes fruit room. So I grabbed Justin and Troy and we came down to work. I am glad we did and it was the last photo I was able to take of my Dad and two sons together. Alma died two months later and it broke my heart. Then seven years ago tonight at 1030 PM, Justin took his own life, after going through deep depression. And that has been a very depressing situation for his younger brother Troy, and liken unto Troy we are trying everything we can to help him as much as we can, but there are times, at least sometimes,  we spend untold amounts of money trying to help somebody and it is not quite enough. But regardless- I feel love, friendship and everlasting devotion to those three, and many more, and to God who sends Guardian Angels to help each and every one of us. 

Friday, August 16, 2024


I only knew Kay by that name, being acquainted with her in a comparably small number of students at Juab High School in Nephi, Utah. She was the Class of 66, but if we were only a grade or two apart, we all were friends and often shared classrooms together. I often visited Kay at her home, and recalled how much she missed her husband-Douglas Carroll who had previously died. I was going through my own remorseful situation and visiting with Kay who helped me. Often times we all go through troubling times or turmoil, and it is good in a small town that we can reach out to others. Somewhere in the past I have written about the professionalism of the Anderson Funeral Home and how it has gone from fathers to sons for more than a century. When Mike Anderson took over after Miles passed, Kay was instrumental in helping to ease the caller of a family member who has passed. And luckily Mike has son-Chad who has taken over the Anderson Funeral Home and banded with Goff and made it an excellent blend of professionals in those rough times. I am not sure, but I got the impression that Kay had a voice in developing her own program. In many cases funeral's can go on and on, but this one covered all they needed to and according to my Nortonville Clock, it lasted 48 minutes. Kay is mighty proud of her two sons-Brad and Brace, and Brace has taken over many of the Juab County deaths. Watching all of the Anderson's pay respect to all those that passes is so assuring. They are God sends, and they can feel the importance of their duty. I was impressed to watch the two casket barriers bring in the earthly body of Kay. They appeared to be two young granddaughters and Mike helped train them going around corners. After the funeral, I spoke to Kay's sister-Jolene, who was the widow of Joe Christensen, another respected Mortician that worked with the Anderson's. I told Jolene I would miss her and Kay as greeters at the Nephi Hospital. They were a great blend greeting and crocheting at the same time. Kay Anderson will be missed at the hospital; fixing the hair of patrons of the funeral home and at the County Fair. But think of all the great humans that are excited to see God's precious daughter again who can now walk with no pain!

Thursday, August 15, 2024


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was founded in New York in 1830, with Joseph Smith as it's founder and first modern day Prophet and President. It was initially referred to as the "Mormon" Church but of recent years it is called by its official name as so noted in he introduction sentence. Although this author doesn't claim to be a "Jack Mormon", but concur with the thought of not strictly observant. I have been involved with too many "spiritual experiences" to deny the things I witnessed and beheld in such places as sailing across the "Waters of Mormon" or what is now referred to as Lake Atitlan in Central America. Mormons of the 1800's were heavily pursued by other American's that hated them in the East and in Illinois and Missouri, and there were bad Politician's even back then and none were prosecuted, even when they murdered Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. Brigham Young was second in command of the Church and led them to Utah, which in 1847, was a forgotten land that few people wanted, but today, folks from everywhere are coming and overrunning our water and history, but that just may be another story about what many people in Utah are saying about today's bad Politicians. Any who, that is only foundational information for "the rest of the story"!  The Mormons around the world probably already know that. From what we could find, in 1939, the LDS Church thought their were about 803,000 members, and today their are an estimated 17 million throughout the world. We bring up 1939, as my grandfather-who was a very devout LDS member, paid the required $2.00 payment for a subscription fee for The Improvement Era, but we are unable to find even one, and I think I was the only "gatekeeper" for his records! Now what is the best thing to do? We have copied the receipt and not sure that my crystal ball is up to snuff, but it looks like the Era Director for the Nephi Stake was signed by Mrs. Theo Westring. If that is the case, I will forget the matter, as Theo helped me and his son-Jerry out of a bind. And so that is the end of this history story, and can't ask the church for copies as they quit printing The Improvement Era in1970.    

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Prior to when LaVon Harris married Alma Jones, she was involved with a variety of things such as the County Fair; Church; 4-H; Booklore and Hats Club; skits; theater and was the go to gal to do a musical reading at funerals. This is the written skit recently located by her daughter-Jaynette Jones Grimard and she and I both chuckled at the participants. Only those of us that has wrinkled hands may get some of the names of the people she has written about or the places named, so we think it is all G-rated.  Have fun, and if you are a youngin, ask your grandma who the characters are or the places she talks about such as the Rainbow and no it is not a place the San Francisco Hippies hung out, but a place that hard working men of Nephi would crowd in and shoot a lot of bull, and didn't hit a one them. Then there is the Snak Shack; and the Nephi Cafe. One of the character's was a great LDS Seminary teacher by the UWANNA. If you are an old geezer like me, you may laugh until the dentures fall out.

Monday, August 12, 2024

DeVoe Lambert wasn't born a Nephite, but become one.

While going through the boxes of papers our family has kept and maintained, we came across this funeral program and thought it was meaningful to place it for all to see. As I stare at the photo of this kind and very intelligent human, I thought how interesting that we all are born to parents and family with big smiles as they have the cutest baby's in the world. Then when we die or pass through the veil, our family and friends are left behind to cry and sob, wondering how we are going to get along without us. DeVoe was born and raised in Roosevelt, but it wasn't long before he became a true Nephite as he met and married Afton Garrett, one of the cute girls of Rob and Erma Garrett. The program writes of him being schooled in Chemistry then taught it to students in college. They often came to Nephi to be with Afton's family, especially during the Third Ward Carnival and the Ute Stampede. After raising their kids, it wasn't long before they moved to Nephi. Whenever I visited with them, I sensed that DeVoe was one of those totally brilliant professors, and it wasn't until his funeral that I found out he was a tough guy as well, having a lot of expertise in football, but a Flyboy during World War Two. As they got older, I sensed the true kindest of Afton and her sisters Lucy Sanders and Corrine Garrett, as this once brilliant man had Dementia and from what I have seen, it is as tough on the caregivers as the person with it. Those that I have mentioned are now gone now, but DeVoe and his family are gifted children of God and they are made whole again. I couldn't help but place praise on each of those righteous people and all of the wonderful caregivers for people that need that help. We do have good and loving folks among us.