A group of one of the Sawmills that was operated by Evan Harris of Nephi, Utah occurred a couple weeks ago by 13 Kin of Mormon Pioneer Evan Harris was conducted on Evans Ridge and Sawmill Canyon, both named after Evan Harris of Nephi, Utah. As a kid, my father drove his truck down to where one of the Sawmill's was, and it was fun to research the area. Most of the implement's he used has now been stolen by hikers or hunters who used the road by truck and mules who then pawned it for sale or melted it down for love of cash more than history. When the Forest Service was established in 1905, most folks didn't seem to appreciate the excessive taxes they created or the unmanaged control of the Americas of open land. Often times, passing people, like the Federal Government, had little or no knowledge of the strong winds who ordered "Let it burn" policy in their Washington DC chairs, having no apparent knowledge like the local people, then it was reported that Hollywood "Tree Huggers" had more cents that sense and forced the Feds to block many of the open roads and trails throughout Utah and Juab County. Years ago, Juab County ask me to help fight the Feds to testify in Federal Court to keep the forest roads open. I foresaw what the outcome would be as the County was defeated and my maps and testimony were destroyed so it couldn't be appealed. The "let it burn" is said to have killed many deer and animals; cattle; trees; hiking trailer and cabins that had been built before the Forest Service was born as well as the BLM. In addition to the implements burned or stolen in Sawmill Canyon, Evan Harris lived and operated a Sawmill on private land below where the Ockeys had their RV park That sawmill and the historic home of the Harris has now been destroyed by fire, again we heard by local firefighters say it was another "let it burn" order from the DC Federals. That RV park has how been closed due to reported excessive control by Nephi City; State of Utah and the Federal Government over water; power lines over the beautiful area and land. In order to give perspective of all and to give thanks to the Evan Harris original family of Nephi for providing a book of the Mormon Pioneers of Nephi log homes which include bringing the logs down for the log cabin at the Nephi Pioneer Park as asked by Alice P. McCune, President of DUP and she paid tribute to him at his 1934 Funeral. As a part of my duty as a law enforcement officer, I am afraid to admit I was a party to appending the "sawmill gang" who illegally cut telephone poles near Moab. All were "tree huggers". I am a tree lover but hate those that do so with no respect.