Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Often times, our life's on earth are just a challenge to all of us. I see it as only a test to gain the strength to get back to our real home from whence we were once sent here. During his last years on earth. I would often take 90 plus year old Ron Jones for a ride. He was a true American Cowboy and had the wisdom of such. When asked of the hardships he went through, he acknowledged them, saying that everyone has their own special challenges, and our jobs were like his western philosophy to "just hang on for eight  seconds" and it will be over. I believe that to be true and tired to teach my two sons that. And the rest of us may not ever really know the burdens each of us carry, but we need to be able to help them carry the share of their load, with out breaking our own backs. After I married, and drank of the pure water of Nephi canyon, a magical and mystical thing happened. Two toe headed kids were born and it fulfilled my purpose in life. At the time I thought it was just going to last eighteen years and all the work would be over. Well, no quite. I had enjoyed the times we spent together in sports, hiking, farming and riding horses together. As kids hit the teenage age, they pick up new friends and it seemed like I didn't have the control on them like I did before. In the photo, there should be three guys on the porch of  the Nephi Jones Family house that has been graduating kids to Adults since 1885. That photo was taken my me in 1984 after the man in the middle-Alma Jones called the night before, to see if I could help plaster the wall leading down to the homes fruit room. So I grabbed Justin and Troy and we came down to work. I am glad we did and it was the last photo I was able to take of my Dad and two sons together. Alma died two months later and it broke my heart. Then seven years ago tonight at 1030 PM, Justin took his own life, after going through deep depression. And that has been a very depressing situation for his younger brother Troy, and liken unto Troy we are trying everything we can to help him as much as we can, but there are times, at least sometimes,  we spend untold amounts of money trying to help somebody and it is not quite enough. But regardless- I feel love, friendship and everlasting devotion to those three, and many more, and to God who sends Guardian Angels to help each and every one of us. 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful writing to go with that special picture...not easy memories to put into words but you did it in a comforting way. And 7 years ago must still seem like yesterday. (I also love Ron's advice of "just hold on for 8 seconds" is such wisdom.)
