Friday, February 20, 2015

You know you're from Juab County if you lived here in the 60's; 70's or eighties. We would often see Sherm wearing his cowboy hat; cutting lawns or helping his father-Vic, on the Northwest farm, or with the sheep behind the house at 6th North and Main. Sherm and I were First Cousins and competed against each other for mowing peoples lawns during the later 1950's. In addition, we worked together as school janitors with our other cousin-Rex Tolley. Based on all that, I thought I could get away with some family teasing of Sherm. I recall one time when he was very upset with me and threatened to call his friends Cotton Rosser and Jack Brough, the Nephi Chief of Police. As both were powerful, yet my hero's, it caused me to stop the friendly teasing. It is a little late, but sorry Sherm

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