Saturday, February 21, 2015

You know you're from Juab County if you knew Joe Garrett during his lifetime between 1912 and 1992. Joe was a friend to all who often declared he never met a man he didn't like, and everybody liked him. He befriended many, including the kid he is shaking hands with in the second photo(Weston Jones), who went to work for him at a young age. Joe had quick wit, which he may have acquired from the "Tolley Blood" in him. He had remarkable memory and could entertain anybody with his humor and stories. Besides being a successful rancher, he was involved with the Cattleman Association; Riding Club; City Council; Irrigation Board, Ute Stampede, and yes, even before his time, he was on the Old Folks Committee. When he worked, he always wore bib overalls, and when he dressed up, he wore a finer pair of bib overalls. As a kid, I remember him letting the Jones boys ride his horse "Star". In the second photo, it is assumed his wife-Ellen took the photo, as she was and remains a classy lady and that classy car was hers and only hers. There is no date on the back of the photo, and I can't make out the year of the vehicle, but it may have been around 1956. It looks like the area west of Nephi. Joe Garrett was a true to life Juab County Cowboy.

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