Wednesday, July 20, 2016

It has been twenty years since I raced a race, so is 2020 a good year to start again!

In just the last week I viewed Ute Stampede foot racers; saw an ad for the Nebo HOPE Run; an ad in The Time News for Operation Support Your Local Hero's 5-K, then as I tried to leave the Nephi City Offices today, a bright lite application beckoned me to pick it up, which was for a Biathlon and 5-K Run. For those unaware and have never ran an ankle bender, a 5-K means running five kilometers or a little more than 3 miles, with your first and last race being the worst. If you do sign up for one of these, do so with caution, as it can be addicting. My love for the sport didn't hit me until I was 45, and it wasn't by choice. My kids little league Coach-Craig Siciliano died during one of our games in the Union area of Salt Lake County. Craig was an adorned Coach with that special knack of dealing with kids, making them better in baseball and with themselves. His sudden death was not only a shock to the kids, but to his pregnant wife and son who was playing on the field. I went through my own shock and pain when trained in CPR I had never thought I would be doing it on a friend and not able to bring him back. Feeling enormous guilt, I confronted the Medical Examiner, who I knew, and felt less guilt when he declared that an artery was so blocked that he had died before he hit the ground. It shocked me enough to start my own exercise, in a way running away from my pain and it seemed to dull the sense of his loss. Below is the races I ran, being over a hundred. The top race was when me and my two sons all won trophies in our division. The fun race was in San Francisco, called Bay to Breaker. I ran with 80,000 people, with 100,000 people watching. I thought I was doing good until the entire Rams football team passed me in full uniform. I haven't raced for twenty  years, but the year 2020 seems like a comfortable year to start again.

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