Friday, March 31, 2017

Letters from home....they may not cure all ailments, but always good medicine.

My first accidental incident occurred in 1963, when another pheasant hunter shot at the rooster, missing it, but hitting me in the head, wherein I lost the sight of one eye. Letters from home gave me the courage to recognize I still had one good eye to see the beauties of the world. The next incident was in 1970, when a vehicle turned in front of my motorcycle, where upon I flew without wings, breaking my back; hip, knee and assorted other body parts. Although miracle Doctor Robert Metcalf saved the leg, I would have to learn to walk again. It seemed liked a good time to have a "pity party" until I got a letter from my brother who was at his temporary home on the battle front of Viet Nam. His letter hit me hard then and now, recognizing I didn't really have it all that bad. In many situations, their are plenty others that have it far worse, and always appreciated letters from home. Like a good book, poem, or scripture, one can always read a letter from home to give courage to buoy us on. By the way, if you talk to Hal Jones before I do, I have kept his photos as instructed, so after 47 years, they are being sent to him at morrow's first light.

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