Thursday, March 9, 2017

Today we paid tribute to Dave Carter, former Sheriff of Juab County.

Although much was said about the life and times of Dave Carter at his funeral today, I couldn't help put my two bits worth in. We grew up in the same general area, except I was a few blocks down the ole holler from him. Most locals know Dave and his kids, but I wanted to let folks know he came from good pioneer stock. His father was hard working, built like a brick- Harry Carter with the personality that every body liked. The Carter boys got their height not from Harry, but their mother-Georgia Parkin, and they also got their class from her. She taught Sunday School to most of us troubled youngins and we took her seriously. On one occasion she took me to meet her mother who lived alone on Track Street where the elementary kids now play. Even as an out of control 12 year old, I found Dave's grandmother a pioneer woman of enormous refinement. The blend of Harry and Georgia was brought forth in Dave. Although it was not spoken of today, Dave's big brothers........were big, and when they worked as Constables in Salt Lake, nobody gave them trouble. I pay tribute to the great legacy of the Nephi Carter family. In Utah, police communicate by using "The Ten Code". If you haven't ever heard the "last call" of a fallen officer, today's dispatch trying to reach Dave Carter was a tear jerker for all, even the kids passing by the cemetery. When Dispatch can't reach the officer, the officer is declared "10-42", which is "Ending Tour of Duty". At the time of his passing, he remained a police officer with the Utah Department of Agriculture. He did leave a great legacy for all to follow and now riding high with Harry and Georgia.

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