Friday, March 10, 2017

This is a document from 1925, showing the history of the Utah Tolley Family.

In 1925, at the Tolley Reunion in Nephi, Utah, there were 412 descendants of Wm. and Sarah Warren Tolley, but now there are tens of thousands scattered throughout the Western United States and Canada. As we just ran across this historical document, we thought it would be fun to share. We also figured out why there were so many babies born to the Tolley Family in Juab County in the 1860's. After careful research, we believe it is directly related to the crisp water flowing from Mt. Nebo in Big Birch Springs. The families worked the Nortonville farms and after a day toiling in the hot sun, they quenched their thirst with the still great tasting and clean waters there. It is the only plausible explanation. They didn't teach such things in school, and in those days, there were no storks about! The Jones family built two holding ponds in upper Nortonville, which remain visible from I-15.

1 comment:

  1. Just because I don't comment often, doesn't mean I'm not constantly following and appreciating the work you do on your blog. You share so many memories, info I didn't know before, tidbits of this & that which finally complete a long-time puzzle about events and people. I'm sure you're making your parents smile..especially your Dad who seems to be the collector of all this history. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!
    The Tolley Twig
