Sunday, July 23, 2017

Happy Birthday to Gary B. Jones, from Nephi, Utah, now living in Alaska and known as G.B. Jones.

If you don't remember Gary, he was the scholar at Juab High, and won many of the speaking contests around. He was a gifted actor on stage in high school and BYU. He wrote three books including "Reflections"; "Among My People"; and "Winning the Iditarod-The G.B. Jones Story". During the Viet Nam Era, the US Army could call on Ranger Jones, who could parachute into a remote area and maintain silence and live off the land, as he did that as a kid. While serving an LDS Mission in Australia, Elder Jones was brought in to man handle any ten foot snake that needed to be re-located. After he and his dogs sped a thousand miles across Alaska to Nome, he needed time to relax, so took a week off and climbed the highest mountain around. To those of us in the Jones family, we are proud of him, but if you are a niece or nephew that want to visit with him, be prepared, as he still likes living off the land, and has more food caves that the Anasazi Indians. Happy Birthday little brother Jones!


  1. Thanks Kent! The days in Nephi were good, and went by way too fast!

    -Gary B.

  2. The time does fly on lightening. I was thinking of that the other day when coming down Dog Valley Hill. I remember Mom saying it seemed like yesterday when she and friend-Sadie Greenhalgh would petal their bikes up the hill so they could just coast down. Those were the days my brother.
