Saturday, July 29, 2017

At one point in time, the Hermansen family were considered the flour kings of Utah.

Denmark and other Scandinavia countries are known for windmills, so it stands to reason when the Hermansen family came to Utah along with other Mormon Pioneers, they brought with them the skills of mills, and instead of using the wind to grist grains, they used the force of stream water, then electric power. As it was an LDS missionary from Nephi that brought the Hermansen folks to Utah, it was only fitting that Ammon Hermansen had his largest venture in buying all the stock of the Juab Mill and Elevator Company in 1949. That mill had a capacity of 400 sacks per day and employed as many as 20 men during the rush season, including Richard and Oris Sudweeks, Burt Powell, Sam Winn, the Jones boys, Harold Stephenson, Robert Warner, King Sidwell and Vaughn Bowles. At the time, the Levan Ridge produced the best dry land grain in America, and it could be harvested one day; milled that night and then find it in a 10 or twenty pound GEM bag at Nephi's Norton's grocery store; Allen's, Myers or the IGA the next day. As the photo may show, Ammon Hermansen was tough as nails, but treated his family and employees kindly. We thought we would show a photo of the Nephi Mill in the big years of the 1950's, then after the 1991 fire. We will also show some of the other flour mills the Hermansen family ran. Blog information was taken from family history book loaned to us by Keven Olson, a family member of Ammon and presented him with a brick from the mill. And yes, there is a rumor the silo's are still full of grain, just in case the Pillsbury dough boy goes broke and we need dough!

1 comment:

  1. This is always amazing to read. Keep this history alive. Thanks
