Sunday, July 9, 2017

We know who she is, but not where she belongs!

This is an original photo of Myrtle May Jones, who was 20 months at the time it was taken, which we believe was about 1880. On the reverse side, the handwriting shows the photo is "To Uncle Will from Myrtle May Jones 20 months old". Since I am the grandson of Will Jones who has his personal papers and photos, it is assumed the photo was for him, but we are just not sure who the family of Myrtle May is and we would like to know so we can get this photo to her family. The father of Will Jones was Edward Jones, who with Brigham Young's permission(LDS Archives Film #25165 Part 15)-had two wives(Hannah Pendlebury and Martha Jackson) and both had a slew of kids in Nephi, Utah, so it is hard to pinpoint who to give this photo to. I am not in to genealogical stuff, but hopefully somebody is so we can get this 137 year old photo to the proper people.

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