Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Golden and Irene Mangelson of Levan, Utah...... a made in America team!

If you haven't met this couple-now is a good time to pay a visit. If you are not from these parts, just spell their hometown backwards and you will find it in the center of Utah. Golden is the son of Reuben and Nettie Hadfield Mangelson and Irene is the daughter of Floyd and Emily Bosh. They have been in love before they knew how to spell "love". When Golden walked by Irene, he was told "She likes you". He liked her as well and they have been a team ever since. Before they could marry or even before a Juab High graduation photo, Golden was drafted in the Army and shipped to the Philippines and Japan during the latter portion of World War II. Before departing, they had their photo taken in front of that 1938 Studebaker. On return, they got hitched and along comes Jerry, Russ, Patty, Julie and Melanie. When interviewing this couple, you can plainly see that faith, family and friends are important and they expressed the necessity of "keeping busy" and "going to church". I also noted their service, with Golden having served as an LDS Stake President; Bishop, Levan Mayor; Juab County Commissioner; Nephi City employee; dry land farmer and good family man. Irene devoted her time to the family; LDS Relief Society; quilt making and employee of her Dad's butcher business at Nephi Pack. If you joke with Golden, you can see that same wide grin like that fun loving kid in the last photo. Be careful if you shake hands with Golden...he could still break your knuckles with just one squeeze.

Friday, January 26, 2018

It took over a hundred years, but the Jones family got the mortgage paid!

The home at 7th North and Main in Nephi still stands with the same nobility as when it was constructed by Samuel Love in 1885. That same year he also built a home on the corner of 8th North and Main, which was home to the Vickers then the Wally Fackrell family. The paper work on the Jones home shows names that were well known in Juab County. T.C. Winn was a Notary Public when he signed the document in 1911 & 1913, then later became the Nephi Mayor. When Brigham Young made visits, it was Andrew Love who kept a detailed journal and wrote of the "Juab Militia" of 1866. John Love was the Nephi City Marshall. Although there may not be any of the Sells family remaining in Nephi, there was a slew of them years ago, and they ran the popular "Sells Furniture" store decades ago. In 1896, Francis Sells was an LDS missionary, who eventually sold the 7th North home to Wm. and Lizzie Jones in 1915, and Will Hoyt was the Juab County Recorder that shows the two adobe thick; pine logged home has been in the Jones family ever since. Some folks will remember Will L. Hoyt being the mild mannered Juab Stake Patriarch; Juab Stake President, or the Utah District Court Judge. However, in 1922, as the Juab County Clerk, he helped Sheriff Deputy Parley Christensen in raiding a moonshine still near Mills, Utah. In addition, the document shows the soon to be forgotten but beautiful cursive writing. Perhaps sharing the pen used by Samuel and Drizilla Love showed their love for each other, then certified by passing the quilled pen to the witness-T.C. Winn. Although Love lasts forever, this document may not, so we now share it with the world with our love.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Today we pay respect to Mary Valdez, a woman of Christ like faith, love and devotion.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of accompanying the earthly remains of Mary Valdez to the final resting place in the picturesque area of Grand Mesa, Colorado. At age 97, she was transferred to the heavenly arms of those she cared so much for on earth. While riding shotgun, I received the distinct impression she was granted angelic wings so she was right there with us. The service to her family and the Catholic Church she served was deserving of the stretched Cadillac her casket was transported in. She was born in Mack, Colorado, and we waved to that rural farming hamlet as we drove by. Her Ora seemed to say she had the same dry humor of this writer, as when her nephew graduated from high school, she gave him a suitcase, as a hint he would be traveling far in the future. She was remembered as one you had spiritual strength; a zest for life and a witty sense of humor. Mass of the Christian Funeral was held in Salt Lake on January 22, 2018 and buried yesterday. We arrived an hour early, and the funeral director sat in the Hearst conducting other business. I sat in one of the many empty seats and tried to grasp the life of Mary Valdez. It was as though I could feel countless spiritual beings gathering about and felt the presence of others who had gone before her. She had no children of her own, but well served 12 siblings; numerous nieces, nephews and Catholic Fathers. It appeared she had prepared for this day, as she already put her tombstone in some fifty years before. God made tears and laughter and both for kind purposes. Yesterday, I shed no tears nor did I laugh, but had continual smiles of happiness for Mary-as mortal death was not a foe for her, but an inevitable adventure. Mary, it was a pleasure to get to know you and feel your Christ like devotion and love for all. Well done, you did and will do well!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Today is the birthday of Jaynette Jones Grimard of Nephi, Utah

She was born Lana Jaynette Jones, as her parents liked Lana Turner. But this young lady was more of a Jaynette, so she went by that name and spelled it a little different. Of all the photos we have of her, the radiant smile is always there, except one, and today we finally figured out why. At Christmas, she always got dolls, and she wasn't a doll girl. She wanted to do the things her four older brothers did, such as play Cowboys and Indians, so it wasn't long before she rode a horse fast, and got in to competitive barrel racing. She is proud of her family, being born of goodly parents and there may not be a family that has traveled and served throughout the world like this Nephi Jones family, including Jaynette, who got lost in India for a time. Her sons and grandsons are athletic studs and her daughters and granddaughters are pretty; athletic and happily smart. The evidence of her not liking dolls is shown in the 1960's Christmas photo of Jaynette, Blake Garrett, Laura, Merrill Sanders, Gary Jones; Santa, Ann Sparks, Jenny, Paula Garrett. Santa just announced that Jaynette was getting another doll for Christmas, and she wasn't happy. Jaynette is a devoted wife, and now caring for her husband-JP Grimard who is on a slow recovery from a construction accident. Happy Birthday little sister.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Happy Birthday Justin Jones. In earth time, he would have been 39 years old today.

While on earth, the time since the birth of Justin Jones has gone by fast, but the last four months since his passing has gone by slow, for his Mother, Brother, Father, and for his many two and four legged friends. Most folks would never believe he suffered from depression, as he was always happy and helping others. So in that light, we wanted to keep a happy family tradition going. As soon as I can put some photos here, I will go up to the cemetery and cut the "Justin Money Tree" loose. This time we won't attach a note to ask for the letter to be returned, but just let the money fall from above. Our calculations show the adhesives will loose its strength at ten thousand feet to permit the two dollar bills to float down over the Nephi area. So prepare ye, prepare ye, money really does grow on trees and it does rain money. Justin now has control.