Friday, January 26, 2018

It took over a hundred years, but the Jones family got the mortgage paid!

The home at 7th North and Main in Nephi still stands with the same nobility as when it was constructed by Samuel Love in 1885. That same year he also built a home on the corner of 8th North and Main, which was home to the Vickers then the Wally Fackrell family. The paper work on the Jones home shows names that were well known in Juab County. T.C. Winn was a Notary Public when he signed the document in 1911 & 1913, then later became the Nephi Mayor. When Brigham Young made visits, it was Andrew Love who kept a detailed journal and wrote of the "Juab Militia" of 1866. John Love was the Nephi City Marshall. Although there may not be any of the Sells family remaining in Nephi, there was a slew of them years ago, and they ran the popular "Sells Furniture" store decades ago. In 1896, Francis Sells was an LDS missionary, who eventually sold the 7th North home to Wm. and Lizzie Jones in 1915, and Will Hoyt was the Juab County Recorder that shows the two adobe thick; pine logged home has been in the Jones family ever since. Some folks will remember Will L. Hoyt being the mild mannered Juab Stake Patriarch; Juab Stake President, or the Utah District Court Judge. However, in 1922, as the Juab County Clerk, he helped Sheriff Deputy Parley Christensen in raiding a moonshine still near Mills, Utah. In addition, the document shows the soon to be forgotten but beautiful cursive writing. Perhaps sharing the pen used by Samuel and Drizilla Love showed their love for each other, then certified by passing the quilled pen to the witness-T.C. Winn. Although Love lasts forever, this document may not, so we now share it with the world with our love.

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