Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Golden and Irene Mangelson of Levan, Utah...... a made in America team!

If you haven't met this couple-now is a good time to pay a visit. If you are not from these parts, just spell their hometown backwards and you will find it in the center of Utah. Golden is the son of Reuben and Nettie Hadfield Mangelson and Irene is the daughter of Floyd and Emily Bosh. They have been in love before they knew how to spell "love". When Golden walked by Irene, he was told "She likes you". He liked her as well and they have been a team ever since. Before they could marry or even before a Juab High graduation photo, Golden was drafted in the Army and shipped to the Philippines and Japan during the latter portion of World War II. Before departing, they had their photo taken in front of that 1938 Studebaker. On return, they got hitched and along comes Jerry, Russ, Patty, Julie and Melanie. When interviewing this couple, you can plainly see that faith, family and friends are important and they expressed the necessity of "keeping busy" and "going to church". I also noted their service, with Golden having served as an LDS Stake President; Bishop, Levan Mayor; Juab County Commissioner; Nephi City employee; dry land farmer and good family man. Irene devoted her time to the family; LDS Relief Society; quilt making and employee of her Dad's butcher business at Nephi Pack. If you joke with Golden, you can see that same wide grin like that fun loving kid in the last photo. Be careful if you shake hands with Golden...he could still break your knuckles with just one squeeze.

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