Saturday, March 24, 2018

Alice Newton Roundy was buried in view of her beloved Mt. Nebo.

Death is a part of earth life, and although we will all experience it, those who remain miss whom we have loved and lost, regardless if they are babies or in their eighties. I attended the funeral of Mrs. Newton today, out of respect for her and first husband-Ross Newton. Their act of kindness to me was more than fifty years ago, and simple to some, but meaningful to me. Ed Newton and I had the opportunity to represent the Mt. Nebo Chapter of the FFA at the National Convention in Kansas City, and that bonded Ed and I as pals.The Mona Newton's didn't have a lot of money, nor did the Nephi Jones family, but Ross volunteered to drive us to Salt Lake where we caught the long train ride to Missouri. Mrs. Newton knew what the Train Porter would soak us for food, so she prepared goodies for the trip. Although we listened to Barry Goldwater campaign for the Presidency, and a chance to holler at Harry S. Truman, and he hollered at us, the greatest memory was the graciousness of Mr. and Mrs. Newton. Thanks for your food Alice, and for properly raising the "three gentle giants". Your earthy remains will be shielded by the Swasey, Molyneux, Kay, Keyte, Ellertson, Yates, Roundy and Young's.

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