Monday, March 26, 2018

Judy Garrett Higginson departed us four years ago, but her legacy lives on.

The family legacy of Judy Higginson will live on, but today is one of those days that is difficult to forget. If you didn't know Judy, she had a high work ethic, learning how to milk cows and ride horses from Ross, and then to be a proper mother and wife from Aileen. Both were teachers, with one in regular school and Aileen in Sunday School. Judy was like Florence Nightingale and as good as they get when it comes to being a provider of care. She lost her mother Aileen when young, and it seemed her husband went way before his time. My guess is that Judy, Aileen and Jim are making a dynamic trio in the great beyond. She taught her kids well, and their kids are teaching others to be great people. The first house is the one she was raised in, and the second is where she and Jim brought up great kids. I couldn't pass up the time to say well done Judy and yes your Dad is going to make it just fine when he reaches a hundred, and Mike will saddle the horse for him.

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