Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Helen of Troy; Helen Keller, and Helen of Nephi.

The word "Helen" is of Greek origin with the meaning of "Shining Light". Throughout my studies of history, two of my heroines are Eleanor Roosevelt and Joan of Arc. With no military background, nineteen year old Joan of Arc led the French Army in battle. When she was burned at the stake for heresy, she was asked if she was afraid. Her simple response was " I was born to do this". Thanks to her teacher-Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller became world renown. Helen of Troy was so beautiful, wars were fought over her. Now, before I loose track of this worn photo and handwritten pencil notes of 1934, I will write of "Helen of Nephi". She was born Helen Hudson in Ohio during 1850. She heard tales of Mormons passing through her area in their mass exodus from hostile forces. Because of health issues, she decided to seek the clean air of Nephi, Utah. She found that Mormons weren't really that bad, so she was baptized. On her arrival in 1889, she became a powerful wife of Isaac Grace, whose Daddy was a pal of Brigham Young. She married Issac Jr. whose father carried the same name and help settle Nephi. Helen demanded they be married by a big shot, so LDS Apostle and former Lt. General of the Nauvoo Legion-Daniel H. Wells had no choice except to wed them. In local history, much was written of Nephi Mayor Issac Grace, but not much about Helen, so today is your day- Helen of Nephi. She wasn't about to let her husband go to Hawaii alone on an LDS mission, so they took a long boat ride together from 1891 to 1894. She taught music there and was the Juab Stake Organist for years, but also taught piano lessons. She held about every local LDS position available for women at the time, but she had the tenderness yet leadership of what could have been a Bishop. She passed away in 1934, at age 83, from pneumonia. Once I pass through the veil, I hope to get re-acquainted with the "Three Nephites" and the "Three Helens", and if asked, will go to battle along side Joan of Arc as I too may be burned at Juab Stake.....for heresy!

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