Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Today we pay respect to four inter-connected people of Cowboy Town, USA.

On March 18, 2018, Barbara Lunt passed away in Nephi, Utah. She held hands with Ike Lunt for 68 years, and that relationship was similar to how rodeo's header and heeler of Team Roping work together. Barbara worked well with Ike, even though his name was most often found in the Ute Stampede headlines. We then thought of the similar relationship of Cotton and Karin Rosser of Flying U Rodeo fame. Cotton has always been the true American Cowboy with Karin the true American Miss; Ms. & Mrs. Rodeo America. When you loose a life partner, it is comforting to have family, friends and faith to keep our spirits high. But when Cotton Rosser called Ike Lunt on the day of Barbara's funeral, Ike felt the true love Cotton had for the people of Nephi. In the real world, what counts is how much we learn to love and how kind we are to others in need. As I searched for a photo of Cotton and Karin, I found the Ute Stampede Committee of a few years ago, and proud to have know each of these men of service, and even more proud to know I could call four of them my cousins.

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