Saturday, April 14, 2018

This food counter still dishes out great food just like it did in 1964.

After seeing the ad in The Times News, I decided to go check out the grub at the Juab Senior Citizens bistro near the girls gym of the old Juab High. The first photo shows Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Butler serving lunch for high school kids in the early 1960's. Nowadays, Cindy Howard cooks up great food for us oldie goldies and Evelyn Ballow makes sure you have milk refills. At age 70, I didn't think I was a "Senior", but during the great musical entertainment of "Old Time Fiddlers", I knew I was, as I looked down and could see my feet tapping the same beat as the 55 other "Wise Ones". For just 10 quarters, you get a great meal along with some of the best darn music around. Plan on attending this Nephi event next time and get your kids or grandkids to drive you and they can eat too, but the youngins have to pay $5.50, but still a bargain. The fiddlers are coming back next month, so you can have vittles and fiddler's at the same time and the MC tells jokes so you can giggle!

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