Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Ladies Clubs remain an important part of Nephi's past, present and future.

Last week, I spoke at the Nautilus Women's Club of Nephi, Utah. Without notes, I "shot from the hip" with my speech, and needless to say I used a couple swear words. I caught myself and apologized, but one member told me it wasn't a big deal, as they would all forget on the morrow! Although I may have been the youngest there, I was the only one that had a difficult time walking out of the building. I felt honored to  meet and greet these outstanding stalwarts of Nephi, Utah. The Nautilus Club started in 1955, and those seated in the last photo are four of the founding members. Their names are on the separate paper as written. At one time, the Nautilus shared in the care of Nephi's beautiful Rose Garden up Track Street. The other photo's are of the Booklore Club, and the members names and phone numbers. Just pick up the phone and ask the operator for 403M. The first half of the last photo is of the LDS Juab Stake Women's Leaders in 1935. Delphic Club newspaper clipping is from 1976; Chalice Club of 1976, then the Ladies Literary is from 1937 The Times News. Thanks, Nautilus, it was a great pleasure to attend your meeting, and I didn't even have to wear high heels for it!

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