Saturday, October 13, 2018

The vote is in......these three guys are America's best and authentic cowboys.

If one lives in the Bronx or from Jersey, they may have forgot that the American west was tamed with real cowboys, like those in the photo. In cumulative years, these men have 234 years of experience rounding up mustangs(without costing the taxpayer a plug nickel); breaking horses and riding them for work and pleasure. They known how to shoe a horse; ride rough stock and squelch a bucking bull, respecting and caring for each animal they ride and rope. Even Cotton Rosser would vote them in. The three smiling guys are Ron Jones, John Larsen and Bob Garrett. They all can still ride a horse, but they found the "Blue Mule"  much easier to drag main in down town Nephi, Utah on a Saturday night. The problem I noticed was they didn't leave enough room for the gals to get in!

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