Saturday, October 20, 2018

Tanner Travis Jones is going on a Mission tomorrow!

Yup, it is official! Tanner the Jones is going on a mission for that new church in the neighborhood called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". Just in case he forgets the nickname we used to call it, Tanner was given a Book of Mormon, which his great-great grandfather(Wm. Jones) carried on his "Mormon Mission" to England in the latter part of the 1800's. When young kids leaves for two years, it is often the parents that feel glad but sad. In the case of the Travis and Karen Tew Jones family, it just may be that the young brother of Tanner-McCord, who idolize his big brothers will have the heart ache, as all three of these Nephi Jones boys are the cream of the crop. First photo is of McCord and Tanner; second photo is of Gentry, McCord and Tanner Jones; last photo shows deer hunters of Weston; Stetson, Justin Jones with hands on shoulders of Trevor Jones; Hal, Kent, Karen, Tanner, Travis and Gentry Jones. The other photo shows the Weston and #One Jones family with Tanner holding a camera type case around his neck. All people are welcome to attend the farewell tomorrow, and on this special occasion, there is no entry fee! Please be aware, this old Jones boy hasn't been to a Church meetin for decades, so lighting strikes are possible!

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