Sunday, November 11, 2018

It was a hundred years ago today, but hopefully the world will never forget Armistice Day.

Since the beginning of time, there has always been Bullies, which have led to family quarrels; neighborhood fist-a-cuffs, and Dynasty battles that led to wars. Since 1776, Americans have always answered the call to scrupulously protect the Civil Rights and Liberties-not just of Americans, but people of the world, whatever their background. They often do so while protestors spit in their face. Such is the case a hundred years ago, when America didn't want to go to war, but 53 Juab County men were called to battle in the trenches of France. Today, we pay respect to those who continue to serve in the military. Not just the small percentage on the front lines, but those who help on the supply lines; the cooks; the order givers and the families of the soldiers while away. First photo is of Nephi brothers-Vic and Alma Jones. Vic was severally wounded in Germany during World War I, and had a gimp in his gallop the rest of his life, but never complained. His little brother was called up in the Army during World War II, and both served with honor. The family clock is one their grandparents brought to Utah during Mormon Pioneer days and placed on the fireplace mantle in Nortonville, Juab County. The clocks have stopped ticking for these Veterans, but we should never forget their service...ever!

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