Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Times News is about the only newspaper you really need to read!

The Times News paper is based in Juab County, USA and does a great job reporting the news, rather than express their personal idea of what the news is. Over the decades, a Times News correspondent seldom misses a deadline, but things do happen, such as when reporter-Myrna Trauntvein slipped and fell during a family hike, causing broken bones. She so wrote about it, so it is public! The weekly gazette continues to go to press and we all hope that Myrna's new leg springs are well oiled and healed. In case you missed your Oct. 8, 1964 paper, we wanted to give you a repeat of some important events back then. We have already lost some of those you became famous then, so read up before we loose more. We also included a section that gives information of "Who's Who" in the local 4-H, and some special Peaches on sale. Oh by the way, the 100,000 Ponderosa Pine seedlings they planted in McCune Canyon behind Mt. Nebo during 1913 didn't get hit by the recent Pole Fire. You can take the Nebo Loop Road next spring for their viewing!

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