Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Phil Sperry-a true American Idol!

If you missed the funeral of Phil Sperry today, we wanted to make sure the world knows we still have hero's among us that don't make the nightly news. As kids, we watched Phil excel in all he participated in, but I especially remember him being the speedster go up and down the basketball court to help Juab High win back-to-back State Championships in 1959 and 1960. But that was just the start of his heroism. He went on to graduate from college, then work in the medical field to help others. He joined the National Guard and served in Desert Storm. When we attempted to scan the photo of Phil, the machine wouldn't accept just his photo.....not without Dorothy in it. So was their love, and everybody knew it from day one. The good guy did get the best looking gal in town, and their family love will endure forever. Although Phil suffered from Parkinson disease for several years, it didn't stop him from being a funster! He was still able to go four wheeling in Moab and a year ago he watched Juab kids play basketball with the faithful assistance of Dorothy. When I spoke to him, he tried to trip me and we both smiled. He never, ever gave up. When a medical technician has difficulty getting an IV started on a patient, they call it a "hard draw". Prior to a surgery, nobody could get the IV in Phil, so the patient calmed his physical body and did it himself. There were a lot of Juab Wasps that welcomed him on the other side, but up front was his beloved brother-Johnny. Phil Sperry, a true American Idol!

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