Friday, November 22, 2019

The Musical "NEWSIES" is perfectly performed in Nephi, Utah.

I am not always a fan of musicals, but me, my sister and son went to a local one at Juab High School last night, and we were all entertained by a great production involving a perfectly choreographed 35 plus high school kids singing, jumping, fist a cuffs and tap dancing in unison. When I thought back at the time my brother and I was in Juab's school plays of South Pacific and Oklahoma during the 1960's, I thought how these young kids and their Directors have came a long way. I am not an expert in such things, but have been to Stratford Upon Avon, England to watch King Lear; Man of La Mancha at several theaters; Phantom of the Opera in various places including Salt Lake and San Francisco; Lincoln Center; Hale productions and to Paris, France. Although I only have room temperature IQ these days, it is my opinion-these kids have the potential for Broadway, and at a cost of 20 quarters, Juab Auditorium is not far away from wherever you may be and three more productions remain. In Ruralville, Utah, you will find that kids; their families and Juab County folks love to meet with the actors after the show even if you don't know them. Don't miss a chance to see this, but put on your long johns, as this is Utah and Frosty will greet you on exit.

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