Sunday, December 13, 2020


 If you pick a newspaper across America, and turn to the Sports section, you will see whatever the sports writer and editor want you to believe. Their motive is fighting for their jobs in an era where many believe the media is very distorted. Many of the major sports appear to be going down in flames, not just because of the Virus, but because of what many of us in Rural America believe is un-American type acts. But all that glitter is not gold. And I hear tell that a group in another country are giving out awards and money to people that have done nothing except to exploit themselves or destroy the integrity of what America was founded on. In comes the Lone Ranger of Men. That happens at American Rodeos, which just may be the last of the good guys. The National Rodeo Finals finished last night, and it was a great feeling to know that the Champions from Utah are not only the best in the saddle, but the best to be common Americans you can talk to and shake their hand. The Wright Boys Do It Right. They are family men with the women taking care of the kids and branding the cattle in rural Utah. Our cowboy hat goes off to the best American Sport that should take precedence everywhere. LONG LIVE COWBOYS.

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