Saturday, December 12, 2020

What did teenagers look like in the 1950's and 60's?

While trying to find a photo of a "Class of 65" friend who passed away, I came across a herd of photos of classmates and friends from Juab High; Richfield, Sanpete and elsewhere. Where are they now and why did I spell my own cousin's name wrong! I think it is related to the dumb years when we become teenagers and think we know more about life than parents, friends and teachers who tried to steer us right. As I stare at the photo of Carolyn Sparks, I recalled how much I was smitten by her. It was 1959 when I fell in serious love with her and she lived just down the street. I was in the 7th grade and she was a Senior, but it made no never mind. With a bottomless bucket tied to the old tree in the back, I would become a basketball star and win her over. She was tall and stunning, but in love with Richard Park, who was a Juab Basketball star and a plain good man. Everyone knew that "Sparks Sparked With Park", but being 13 and in passionate love, I would just eat more Mush and get tall. I still smile looking at all I have known and loved. Those include my buddies whose life's ended far too quick. On his dying bed, I had the courage to hold and tell a best friend how much I loved him. If my life ends today, I have truly loved life and found happiness around the world and back at home. I have lived and loved and even lost loves and been in love alone. All is okay. I found that true love is not just for spouses and family. It can be shared most nobly to all of Gods creatures, not just the Cheerleaders from Richfield!

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