Thursday, December 10, 2020


There are two cemeteries in Nephi, Utah, the heart of rural America. One is near town and the other is called Vine Bluff, because Mormon Pioneers planted grape vines there. That is where Cheryl Lee's earthly remains were put to rest. I attended her graveside services, where a son quoted from his mothers journal of a half century ago. Cheryl wrote being proud of her Mormon Pioneer heritage; Nephi being the best city in the world; teaching her family the importance of living and loving Nephi and attending the Ute Stampede rodeo. Although I haven't attended as many funerals as the Anderson Mortuary family, I have logged hundreds. At this one, I moved around the crowd, yearning to feel her family which have already graduated from this earthly experience. Her folks were mine as well, going back to the Tolley Family of Brigham Young days. I sensed the grieving of the family, who temporarily lost one of Gods most perfect daughters. I have been keenly aware of that since she and I attended the Old North Ward together; close friends; neighbors, and classmates of Juab High-Class of 65. As I moved closer to the casket without disrupting the services, that was when my tears fell. But why was I crying? I didn't feel her mother-Margaret or her grandfather-Claude, or other classmates we have lost. Come on Guardian Angels- I am here, let me know Cheryl has safely returned to those family and friends that have already returned to our real home on high. Nothing! Zippo! I stared at the beautiful coffin, adorned with serene and fragrant flowers, and that is when the answer came. Unbeknownst to the grievers, a multitude of honey bees found the sweet life giving nectar in the middle of winter. I smiled. Cheryl Lee is still providing life for all. She was born with a destiny to be an earthy angel, full of zest and love for all. In the Class of 65, we were all family, although there were a couple of us that were hellions. No matter to Cheryl, we could always count on her to be involved with all activities and consoling me after a teacher was justified in giving me a "Central School Whoopin". Cheryl hasn't missed a beat, as her  abundant life will continue to give her family help through our worldly challenges. After the services, Cheryl's daughter walked toward me and I her. I don't think we had met, but somehow we knew each other, and when she spoke, it was as if Cheryl was there and after the photo, it came to me later that Cheryl Lee...... will always be a genuine Tolley and never leave any of us without her love and help.

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