Tuesday, January 5, 2021


I remember your worldly birth as if it was last night, although 42 years ago.Your mother was about to push you without the epidural Dr. Spencer was supposed to give her, but me and the Doc was watching the BYU Football game and kept telling her the game was about over and to hang in there for a few minutes. Besides, your day of birth was supposed to be Jan. 5th, not before. And you know how your mother could scream and yell, but this time it was with just cause. The clock was ticking and you must have known and wasn't about to slip out before I came over to to catch you. You made me the most happy man on earth. I had a slippery son and you remain my son; best friend and mentor forever. The tears I shed right now or much like those that automatially flow at different places and at different times.You were such a great friend to all and one of those kind leaders of people you worked with. Sometimes, hell is here on earth, so we all have times of depression, and although I felt yours through the last years of earth life, in reality, only you and God knew the anguish within and you painfully termianted this worldly existensce on the night of Aug. 21, 2017. You remain my hero, and through my own difficult times, I have felt your presence on my right shoulder and pull me out of the icy drowning waters of life. As you are aware, me and your mother did about every thing we could to help you through the final years, but often times, even the professional folks may have only made things worse, which you told me. Through it all, you continued to graciously help all in need, espeically kids, aninmals and Seniors. I can feel your voice and soul advising me to be more kind to all in the world and although this grumpy old man is finding that harder and harder to do, you remain my mentor. While going through some papers I found the photo of you driving the team of horses for Richard Wm. Jones, then found a note you wrote about horses in the 3rd grade and a similiar one I wrote in the 2nd grade. I hope there are horses in the assignment God has given you, as all of us in the Nephi Jones family have relyed on the horse to be our riding and working friend who often have more "horse sense" than people. I included your graduation photo, as you and God had a deal of the 38 years and now sucessfully graudated from here. I am forever grateful to had the chance to be close to you and still so ever close. Just remember our secret code that is not a secret anymore. We are all 10-4. I love you forever and ever, Amen.


  1. That is written so beautifully. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Happy Birthday Justin Jones! We love and miss you every day!

  2. ❤ Kent what a wonderful tribute❤❤ thinking of you
