Thursday, January 7, 2021


I haven't watched a TV news report in 45 years, and hopefully never do. Often times, it appears they only bring us what they want us to see or hear, which at least for me, may not be the whole truth. Yesterday, I was told about some type of protest or fracas in our Nations capitol. I don't know any of the facts, and that is why I sometimes have to wait for fifty years to get the real story or go investigate it myself, but now getting too old to travel the world like I used to. So, I thought I would slip in a group of folks that I have utmost respect for- those in our military. Often they are called to serve and do things they don't really like to do, but they do learn how to follow orders. There is a time; place and proper manner to protest any and all things with our government officials. That is how we as the United States of America was formed, not liking what the British government was doing. For me personally, I often  think that some of our political leaders serve only themselves, rather than the people, and yet, even I became a politician, which may not make sense. I now give you an Army Platoon photo. It was shot during the Viet Nam War Era, and some of those kids did not come back, but they followed their commitment to our country, and today I found it in my heart to share the photo. We know their names, but this is not the time or place to share it as some remains classified. Those boys became men as they backed each other up, at home and abroad. One who did come back alive to Nephi, Utah is the one wearing the most stripes on his left shoulder. My hat always goes off to all of our soldiers, who are committed to protecting the freedom that our leaders think is best. If you don't like the State and US leaders, vote and kick em out, but don't spit on our own protectors.

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