Friday, January 1, 2021


While going through another one of the historical boxes the family has kept since the Nephi Jones Family arrived in Juab County in the 1850's we found a photo. We hope to be able to not only identify who the woman is, but get a date it was made. The photo is set on tin or aluminum and appears to be the kind they called Photolithography which came in to being around 1852. According to computer information, Lithography is a photo printing from a stone or metal plate and invented in 1796. I have looked at it and examined it as closely as a non professional eye could, and can tell it is old, but not the exact age, but printed on tin. On the back, it has the signature of Edward Jones, who in the family we call Edward the First, being the first Edward Jones that arrived in Nephi. He had two wives-Hannah Pendlebury, whom he married in the British Isles in 1852; then Martha Jackson, who arrived in Nephi with the Martin Handcart Company of Mormon history. If you study the clothing, jewelry and such, it is hard to fathom that Edward Jones, a Blacksmith who lived just outside the Salt Creek Fort had enough money for such luxury and neither of the women appear to be similar to some of the older photos I have of the two wives.. We thought we would put it out to the world, then keep it secured until we find a Fred Chapman look alike to examine it.

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