Monday, March 8, 2021


Kirk was born in downtown Payson on August 29th, the oldest of Glade and Lucy Garrett Sanders. In 1952, the ole hollow was full of flood waters. Kirk and a cousin were walking home from school, taking the short cut behind what was then Culligans. The bank gave way and Kirk fell in. He recalls hitting his head on the cement culvert as he was carried under Main Street. As Nephi folks are in time of need, everybody ran for help. Just before he went under the railroad tracks, he was pulled out with a grappling hook. He still holds the record of being the only kid to go down the creek without a boat or paddle and the first to read his own obituary in the paper. He graduated from Seminary and Juab High with the Class of 1959. He then headed to Japan, on a "special" mission. His papa sent him there to learn how to build Honda's and he came back as thee most skilled man in America on Honda 50's, which were the rave at the time. He can still repair one with his eyes closed and with coaxing he can take on a Harley too. He has been a quiet but revered leader in LDS positions and about the only one that can repair the still swinging tire feature at the Third Ward Carnival, or whatever it is called now. He married Betty Brown who was born on June 29th, her parents being Douglas M. and Mildred Graff. She was the 5th of 6 children. She was raised on a farm 2 1/2 miles west of town on what us old timers call Dog Valley Avenue. You youngins call in State Rd. 132. She started singing in public at age 3 and sang at many weddings and programs all through school and considered the most outstanding student in music, even appearing on TV twice. Her singing partner was Vernice Winn. She graduated from Seminary and the Juab Class of 63. She was active in church position including visiting teacher, chorister and in Sunday School. Kirk and Betty got hitched in the Manti Temple on Sept.7th. The stork then brought Jeffery Kirk who loved sports including hunting, trapping, bull riding, fishing and of course riding Hondas. Little did he know that his grandpa-Glade was one of the best rifle shooters in town, along with the Smith brothers. Then came Cami Sue who passed away at age 10, after suffering from leukemia for 3 years. She was the strong one, even though other kids and their parents made fun of her with no hair. Cami knew that she served her purpose on earth, and was the one who comforted others in letting God lead her back to our real home. She remains the sweetest of the sweetest souls on earth. Next kid was Tricia who was born in Provo on Jan. 3rd, and needless to say she was considered the firecracker of the family, and hard to keep up with, regardless if it was dancing, piano lessons and could ride a Honda as good as her old man. Bringing up the rear is Amy. We have now lost Betty, and when that occurred, Kirk has been in a slow mode ever since. Kirk has never wanted the attention, but always was the silent servant to Corrine, Afton, Lucy and so many others. If you see any of the Sanders family, they all deserve not just your business, but a hug. They may not give out any more penny candy at Rob's, but they are there to serve you, as it remains the "Serv" in a professional and personal way

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