Sunday, March 21, 2021


About four years ago, I attended a funeral in Nephi, and noticed Vonda Bowles walking through deep grass to get back to her car. With difficulty, I caught up to help, as a strong man should do that for the elderly. I wasn't overly acquainted with her, other than she had been a teacher in the Nephi Elementary school system. I knew her husband-Jay and his brorld War Two. Both those War Vets have passed, but Vonda is still kickin strong. In fact, it was Vonda who kept me from falling in the grass, as she was motating for this fat old man. She is in good shape and cuts her lawn at 90 years old. I interviewed her today and enjoyed her wit and wisdom. Rither-Earl better, as they were both teachers who I feared, both of whom just returned from Woght out of the chute, I asked her who her favorite President of the US was. She then raised her voice so this deaf guy could hear, saying President Trump was not Presidential, but did more for the United States than any other President for the last 100 years. Jay grew up in Nephi, the son of Lorene Pay and Alvin Roy Bowles. He came from Pioneer stock including Thomas Bowles, who was one of the first settlers of Nephi. As a kid, Jay loved helping his father with his sheep herd and running through the sage brush.Vonda Despain grew up in Ft. Green, the daughter of Thomas and Laurelda Oldroyd Despain. She met her future husband at Snow College, then both went on to get their four year degree. They got hitched while finishing their education and living with kids in a 16 foot trailer. Jay worked at various places including Fub Heppler's gas station; Thermoid, then both became teachers. There living kids are Michael, Von, Jim and Craig and each help their mother, but ONLY when she asks for it. When she told me that, I acknowledged the strength and independence of this woman, and often greet her when she comes to the Nephi library to get a new read to study. She has organized all of her family history, and can tell you just about anything about Ft. Green; Birch Creek; Nephi; Chief San Pitch and the men who shot and killed him in 1866; of  the "Lucky Boy" gold mine; the Sidwells: Pays; her son with the UHP and about loneliness. When a parent looses a child what we believe is 'before their time", it always touches my heart. Vonda did, and we both shed tears when I saw the cute photo of Karen who died at 2 1/2 of Meningitis. The night before, Vonda tried to put her sick child to bed for sleep, but Karen wouldn't have it and told her mother in no uncertain terms "I will tell Heavenly Father on you". Karen knew what Mom didn't know. The sweet child died during the night. At age 13, another child-Kevin died from a brain aneurysm, and apparently a lot of other kids between Juab and the Dugway Proving Grounds died of similar symptoms during that era. If you still have an old calendar like me, write down Vonda's birthday of May 2th and send her a hand written note. Her keenness, kindness and knowledge deserves the respect she is due. She was Miss Lamb Days Queen. Check the cars and see if you can tell the year.

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