Wednesday, March 3, 2021


I know it sounds corny and perhaps offensive, but it is true. There is a lot of history at the Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge in West Juab County, but it is worth the day drive from Nephi, Utah. You can contact the Juab County Tourist Council for what 4 wheel outfit you need, but a great drive. You will find peace and serenity in the dirt road journey and destination. Nephi and Juab County has been a destination for folks from the over populated areas of city folks. Although we welcome them, we ask  you accept and adopt the folks that settled the area, including the Paleo Archaic Tribes of 13,000 Years ago; the Fremont and Goshutes tribes and white man Jedediah Smith, who visited the area in 1827. We respect all cultures that called it their land. From 1851 to 1860, Fish Springs was where the Overland Stage Route was from Salt Lake City to Sacramento. The mail was slow as it was carried by mules, so it was called "Jackass Mail". Then came the Pony Express; the Overland Stage(carrying Mark Twin and Horace Greely); then the Telegraph, then the Lincoln Highway from 1913 to 1927. When horseless carriages came, they traveled the Victory Highway built across the Bonneville Salt Flats, which we now call Interstate 80. Lots of stories, both true and some that have the Jones type twists. Read the story of Jim Pexton, who was a lot more of a historian that most Nephites thought they knew about him, and yes I got permission from his family to publish this and give him the credit. Tonight, I give a high five to him for his exploration and genuine historical events of who he greeted and became everlasting friends with when he flew in and integrated with others. Most are gone now, but this kind of friendship should never, ever be forgotten by time travelers. They were and are the real McCoy's of life on earth.

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