Monday, July 19, 2021


To respond to such a concern as to the fall of the Scout program in America is like trying to talk of the Roman Empire; the forming of the United States; the FFA; BOYS CLUB or even the Civil War. Books and volumes could be written. Todays history story is brief, and my type of facts are included. Most folks know the Scouting progam started via  Baden-Powell of  England in 1908. It came to the United States in 1910 and took off with explosive membership. It was so popular that even the US Military bought in to it and gave advanced ranks to those who became top of the line Scouts-Eagle The Nephi Jones boys were involved, but Gary B. Jones had the personal drive to not only make it to Explorer but hired at Camp Maple Dell as an instructor. I tried with all my might, but had such a rough time getting the merit badge for Home Repairs, I gave up at First Class, but all in all, that was't bad back in the 1950's. The Boy Scouts was for boys only and we learned the outdoors; hiked and camped on Reeses flat; and anywhere Don Royce or Mr. Bowles decided to lead us. My brother Gary was born for it, learning how to sleep in the barn, which helped him parahcute into enemy countries duirng Viet Nam and report surveilance, living off the land he dropped in. I was so intirgued by him and others, I eventually became a Scout Master in Salt Lake, and used my dads old Scoutmaster book to teach kids how to tie knots for hitching horses and in the Navy. I loved it and cheirsh those days in Camps trying to teach young boys how to properly adapt into manhood. And I didn't sexually touch any kid or show them how to smoke bark from trees. One of the biggest money donors was the LDS Church, who knew it was a great program. But like all careers in life, along came a few bad apples and spoiled it for all. With the church withdrawing their support, the BSA was defunded. Even I was dishearted with my own LDS Bishop who wanted me to seek in-active Mormons instead of letting the boys ask their Catholic friends to join. I became dishearted and quit as a Scout Master or fired. It wasn't long before the Church withdrew, as some of the leaders were gay and that was a great sin to the Church leaders--at least at the time. I never saw it, but many reported it occurred, which of course brings out attorneys; the ACLU and girls who liked camping more than selling Brownies. I don't place blame anywhere, but think we haven't said enough to all the good Scouts; Good Scout Masters many of us had. I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to Gary B. Jones, who was not only one of the finest American soldiers around; Idiarod rarcer; book writer, but mostly a good Scout, whose chivlery and respect for others will last beyond the veil. Thou art my hero GB Jones, the only E-5-2 in photo(with an X)

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