Thursday, July 29, 2021


Yesterday, my sister and I attended the funeral of Lynn Brough of Nephi, Utah. To this punk kid of 74, it was more of a Celebration  Of  Life. I think it was the second son who said his father had checked all the neessary boxes for life on earth. I concurred. In Mormonville, Utah, many of us are taught the importance of certain cultural things, and sure enough, Lynn took them with him through the Veil. He was called to an LDS mission in Germany. His old man put a hold on that, as the father didn't want his kid to go back to NAZI Germany, eventhough that was the country origin of the original Nephi Brough family. So the 'revelation' was modified to send him to a Spainsh speaking Mission in Texas and New Mexico. Daddy supported that, sending him the necessary monies to support Lynn. On return, he graduated from BYU with a BS in Engineering and was sucessfully employed with various companies. In the meantime, he did the other thing he was taught, and that was to serve in the United States Military and did so for 23 years. He was taught to be a volunteer, and past president of the local Kiwanis Club; a vigorous Y fan, espeically in football, then active in his religion, serving diligently in various callings including High Council and a Temple Worker. He kept a wonderful garden, and late in my life, I became acquainted with him and cherished our friendship. 'I STOOD ALL AMAZED' at the funeral! Not because of the song, but in an LDS CHURCH- I saw an American flag on one side, and the American Legion flag on the other. I felt like Lynn was present, and I looked around for him. I am sure the folks behind me didn't know of my recent fall where I got some brain damage. After the perfect piano and violin playing of  Lisa Brough and Jennifer Christensen and the excellent talk of Chad Brough, I thought that was a good time to hobble out of the chapel as lighting hadn't yet hit. Besides, a Bishop just can't take the place of the family, but that is just the opinion of this brain damaged wanna be writer. A few days before Lynn passed I was talking to Chad Brough, and told him when I healed, I would come and visit Lynn. I didn't, but Lynn knew it when I apologized to him in the casket. I also said my personal apologies to Lynn's daughter-Lisa, who was the spitting image of her mother-Diane Hannifin. When I was 13, I not only had a crush on the older Diane, but her mother-Norma Sherwood. I couldn't go to another function, as both would play the violin and sing, and my artifical heart would bleed. I interviewed Norma in a previous blog, when she was over 100 years old and played the violin perfectly. The poem on the back of the program was written by Norma for Lynn on his 70th BD. So in legal terms, my love for the whole family is with 'JUST CAUSE'. I have expert knowledge with the next life form, and of all folks, Lynn Brough will be a front and center leader for God....I swear!

1 comment:

  1. It was a beautiful service. Very appropriate for a very good man. I had the privilege of working at Thermoid a couple years when Lynn was there. I worked in the computer room and delivered reports to the various departments. I enjoyed that part of my duties because I got to visit briefly with so many good people including Lynn. He was always such a nice guy. He was always polite and friendly with everyone and always had something nice to say or ask each person. We all thought we were his favorite! He passed that on to his family. Chad is our Bishop and he always makes us feel welcome and special with a handshake and a kind comment. I feel very blessed to count Chad and his father as friends.
