Friday, August 13, 2021


It is difficult to write of neighbor Scott Sparks. Much could be said, but will make it brief. This writer became acquainted with him as he was a great friend to my brother-Hal Jones. Scotty liked Hal so much that he and his wife chose "Hal" as the name of their son, thus we refer to Hal Sr. and Hal Jr. Scott did well as a Scouter in Nephi Troop 132; gas pumper for Fub Hebler at Utoco(later named Amoco, then Texaco) and Fub taught him to fish with a "Mepps" spinner and Hal Sr. caught a fish with it the day before Scott passed through the Veil. The family approved the spinner being placed on his burial suit lapel. Scott retired as a Trooper after 20 years, largely due to MS, which we will call the Angel of Death, but it took 40 years to take the breath out of him. Scott never complained about MS, but like a Trooper, he "just made adustiments to it". He then voluntered to be an American Fork Fire Fighter for forty years and they honored him at the funeral, and the Utah Highway Patrol sent 8 Honor Guards led by a Colonel to honor Scott. He played Little League in Nephi; he and his brother were outstanding marble players, collecting more than 500 of em. If you learned the Scout Motto, in the life of Scotty, he followed a smiliar motto. He loved his devoted wife-Dee Anna, of Moroni, and their two kids-Kym and Hal Jr. If you looked at the face of Scotty over the years, his warm smile remained constant-radiant. His father was the local "Candy-Man", deliveirng candy throughout Utah. When he returned from his delivery, he hired the Jones kids to restock and were paid in trade-with Candy. That included little sister Jaynette, as Ann Sparks and her help. Scott's home provided the necessary ingredients for "Kick the Can" and not a nickel was spent on our games....way back when. Ann didnt attend the funeral because of her own health conditions, One photo shows the forever friends of Scott including Leon Pexton; Mike Royce, Hal Jones and Carl Parkin, who us locals always called "Chopper". If you got a ticket or a warning from Trooper Sparks, he always departed with "Careful Driving". Scott, we will all miss you, but you are with your Dad and Mom and can hippety hop any dam place you want. Congratulations and we put an extra "Mepps" spinner on your coffin, just in case you have your own fish kingdom. God welcomes you back.

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