Monday, October 18, 2021


Yup, the rumor is true. Beth Kay was a Monaite who joined up with a Nephite, and now both are together once again. Her funeral was today, and one part of it hit me hard in the heart when two violin's and a piano played "Nearer My God To Thee". And just before that symphonic type orchestration, a granddaughter previously asked Beth who would be the first to greet her on the other side. Her family thought she would say "Bill" their grandfather. Nope, not even close. She whispered "Savior". That word, then the Trio musical number could have got Heavens Oscar. I have always adored Beth, as she had that Jones dry wit, but had no idea she had lost two of her own kids as infants. She was a caregiver for her parents, then her husband-Bill, who suffered greatly with a Stroke. I had visited him just prior to his death, as my sister and I did with Beth the other day. All there knew it was her time. We often praise people for some service in the church or community, but Beth did it all as the program will show. A half century of volunteer service to the Juab County Fair will get her the Biggest Blue Ribbon of all who pass. Everybody called her Beth, although she was named after her Grandmother-Elizabeth Jones. But even that woman went by the name of Lizzy. All hail to this Beth! She has been a caregiver for many, and her two daughters have been caring for Beth for the past few years, and they too will be granted Heavenly Halos. After Bill passed away in 2004, Beth was lonely, so in gallops Gil Houghton, who had lost his spouse as well. When they started to mentor each other, the granddaughters took turns to follow them, to make sure he was "good enough" for Beth. He was and another sad day when he passed away. Beth will be missed by all, but odds are that all the other family; friends and Juab High students on the other side will be glad to welcome her Home. And my hat goes off to Beth's son-Steve Sperry, a mighty shout out to he who served his country in various law enforcement agencies' to protect us more than any body else I can think of without James Bond coming to take me down.

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