Thursday, October 14, 2021

Photo history of four years on Nephi City Council

When one makes the decision to be a candidate for a local municipal office, one should be prepared for the time and energy for phone calls and house visits as why their garbage cans weren't picked up the day it normally is, or to listen and understand a citizens concern while they chat with you at church; the grocery store or even over the grave of a fellow hero. I understood their concern, at least all of them except at the funeral while we were paying respect to one of the best leaders around. I lost my cool a little to tell a well known developer why it was an inappropriate place to talk of politics. Although truthful to him I was, I haven't regained his respect, nor do I seek it. I did meet and greet and try to respond accurately to the folks that were respectful on the whys and wherefores of Nephi City action. Today, we thought we would present a pictorial history of some of the good and bad of being in politics. At the start of the campaign  I lost one of my two adult sons, not to suicide as that which was listed on the death certificate. The real cause was not to drugs or alcohol as the government and S/A providers try to convince us that is the root of all evil. Those substances only provide a path they have chosen to get relief of the pain of depression, and that is something the government and provider companies can't make money from. Continued tragedies with the loss of first and a second cousins; a brother in law and  good friends doesn't help. That has a toll that we all go through. Like life it self, tragedies happen like the breaking of a gas line by the contractor with the Nephi Gas crew coming to the rescue and the China Virus and the Vaccine that tried to shut down and scare people. It was fun to deliver hundreds of free meals to the bound in residents, not knowing where the food came from, and reinsuring older Citizens that we would survive the political agenda of American's losing hope. The Golden Spike Assembly went on without a hitch as did the bringing in the Big Boy and without the use of a dime of taxpayer dollar. All in all, the four years was fun for me and no regrets. Fourth grade students; last dance for many at the Boys gym for Class Reunions; helping to clean up Nephi; tours of the museum; DUP cabin and Territorial jail was fun for me and hope it set an example for all. My votes for no further annexation of residential subdivisions was to keep Nephi a small town rather than be sucked in by money lovers; political motives; potential conflict of interest with City Leaders and church pressure to bring the world here while we were not prepared for them as the law requires of us. Here are the photos showing death; and the double rainbow of life hereafter, which was a sign that my son was okay. I will never ever stop being a public servant, but those things can't be done by one person, nor changing the world back to helping each other, as we are all Gods chosen people in a chosen land.

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