Saturday, April 2, 2022


As some of the Tolley family is aware, we advertised help in finding information about a letter end to my grandmother-nearly a century ago. it listed a variety of family members that I couldn't see the names. We found an out of state Tolley member who knew who the individuals were, so we ae shipping them today. She, like many others follow the History Blogs, but not FACEBOOK, and wanted to be know as only "The Tolley Twig" so we will respect that. The informative letter showed the sender to be Mary Rebecca Orr, who was married to Jesse Picton Tolley. Jesse is the son of Samuel Tolley and Sarah Jane Picton. Samuel is the son of Wm Fisher Tolley and Sarah Warren Tolley, the beginners of the Utah Tolley Family in Nephi during the 1850's. Elizabeth Tolley Jones(wife of William Jones) who received the letter from Canada, is a sister to Samuel, and so is Jesss' Aunt(Mrs. J. P. Aunt in law). Now if you understand all of that, then you are far ahead of me, as I have thousands like that, and it takes me all day just to do one peice of information.  I will send the letter infomation to the Tolley Twig, once I have gone through my stack of papers and peerhspa she can do something valuable with it. Additionally, I will try to attach what I put on the first blog here. Over and out. Another "Tolley Twig" who is the dense one, but still  have the wit of Uncle Hy Tolley.

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