Thursday, March 31, 2022


When on earth, my mother went by the name of LaVon Harris Jones. She was very close to her mother who came to Moroni with the Mormon Pioneers. That mother went by the name of Eliza Hitesman until she married a Nephi man by the name of Evan Harris, who was born in Iowa City, Iowa, whose parents were on their way to "Zion" with the controlled herd of Mormon's coming to Utah with Brother Young. The early kids of Evan and Eliza were boys, who were taught to fell trees for pioneer homes; blacksmiths, Livery; Harvesting wheat on the Levan ridge; fighting in World War One, then collecting Ice in the west marshes and burying it under ground and straw for summer Ice Cream. They moved from to Nephi to be closer to the school than in Heberville (by Ockey's farm). They  moved to where their second daughter was born in a house next to Salt Creek, southwest of Territory jail on 1st West. Maggie Vera died when young, so they were happy that LaVon came along and she and her mother were very close, especially when her Dad cut logs for the Pioneer Cabin at the park at age 74. He went to church the next day; came home and died. Then Eliza soon died and LaVon was on her own, typing and sending letters. In going through the correspondence, and recalling what my mother told of the family, their was enormous love and admiration between them. Regardless of the time or the day, they would write letters and communication between them, and my heart felt that when I came across the birthday greeting below. My history and love lesson today is never wait until loved ones pass to give them flowers, and never wait til they die to send hand written letters and cards to them. They have all the beautiful flowers in the next world. It is okay to send your mother a Happy Mothers Day card now.

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