Wednesday, October 5, 2022


 In the 1960's, it was considered an honor to be accepted in the FFA Mt. Nebo Chapter at Juab High School in Nephi, Utah. The Advisers were Jim Anderson, and then after his farm accident, Jay Dalley was the backup and took over. Both knew the history of agriculture, and knowledge of how to farm the modern ways, at least as they were decades years ago. Both of those respected teachers helped the Chapter bring home various trophies for winning State Championship in Welding; Public Speaking; Meat Judging and even Parliamentary Procedure. To this day, I often chuckle at the inability of Counsel Members; a Mayor; State Legislatures and Congress of how they abuse Roberts Rules of Order, as they didn't learn the proper procedures in FFA as a kid. And more dismay came when I found out when they built a new Juab High School building at a different location, there was not enough room for displaying the many FFA Trophies, so they were quietly taken to the junk yard. Those things are  heart breaking, but time's change. As they do, my thoughts turn to how we will procure the necessary food for our future. Utah is the second driest State in the Union, yet political leaders continue to direct thousands of people here, for purposes of money, but no ability to provide the water to assist those newcomers in their need of food. As a former policitcan, I heard that if we get more money "we can always drill wells for more water". It appears those folks haven't yet taken any or absorbed any of the FFA classes, or they would know if we have a thousand straws in a barrel of water, it will soon go dry. Without the knowledge of our past, we must think of the future, and not the power of greed when we take from the Indigenous Americans or even present day Senior's. I don't consider myself a professional in any area, but have studied Anthropology and been on digging excursions with Archeologists. I am no Margaret Mead, but have some knowledge the Ancient Ones of America, such as the Fremont and Anasazi, who may have died from lack of food, enslavement, diseases and/or ethic cleansing. In a dig in the four corner area of Utah, we discovered the Ancient Ones were eating Beetles at the end, which makes the movie "Beetle Juice| more of a real movie of tomorrow. What is our future for food and water? Will FFA students learn new ways to "make" water or food with less water, or just continue to purchase from foreign countries? If we don't prepare and learn from our past, we will have no future for our kids. We know that Data should be honest and straight forward, but science is determined  by people, who are Never Either.

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