Tuesday, October 18, 2022


It isn't just Christians who pray to what they believe is a Supreme Being. Many people of various denominations or sects believe in an after world of some sort, hence they go a building to hear people or pray for unseen things or subjects of which they may not have accurate knowledge. It is all about Faith and nothing right or wrong about any of that. For me as a young kid, growing up in what used to be a rural town of Mormonville, Utah, I was born and raised in a Mormon home. Officials of that religion like to refer themselves as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Although I am still a believer in that faith, I don't follow all the specified rules and find it easier to enjoy some minor sins, such as the coffee I am presently drinking, just so I can see what I am typing and enough energy to get through it. In fact, I have done so much research of things around the world, some local folks say I am the most knowledgeable about how the Juab Valley was settled. Well that aint true, but believe what you may. I do have papers and journal's, many of which belonged to the LDS Church, and to Brigham Young, which he left when stopping in Nortonville, to speak to my grandfather, who who is charge of keeping records at the church there. The one thing I have learned is the importance of PRAYING. I have always been taught that and do so on a regular basis, and I have learned that it is important to not pray for things that may be wrong, such as we win this war or that one, and not to pray to win a game of sports, as that may not be the prayer that is being offered by the basketball team of North Sanpete. I  have learned that ONE MUST BE CAREFUL TO PRAY, AS YOU JUST MAY GET WHAT YOU ARE PRAYING FOR. As people are imperfect, we will always have Bullies! Some are in Washington D.C.; your Legislators, and I have sat with them on a local level. God knows who is what, and I believe one has to rely on Him. As a kid, we collected Halloween snacks in our pillow cases and if we started early, the Jones Boys could hit every house in Nephi. And that was when  Developers and Nephi Leaders didn't want to build another career or build things for their own greed. The candy we collected lasted until Christmas. Back in the 1950's and early 60's I knew of only three bullies in town. The first one confronted me in front of the old Juab High School, and stole by pillow case full of candy then drove off laughing. I knew him well, but wasn't sure what to do when I got home, other than to pray, as that is what I was taught. I prayed that God would somehow take the life of that bully. A few weeks later, the same Bully confronted me while I was standing in front of a school urinal doing my personal business, when he came in. He pushed me hard and I flipped flopped in the urinal and kicked me down with a threat if I told anybody I would get more. I didn't want to confess being a victim in front of school officials, although I respected them. So that night, I called on God in Prayer that somehow his life could be taken. A couple years later, it appeared that God did answer my prayer, as this guy was killed in Viet Nam, serving our country. I again sought prayer to confess, as I prayed the wrong way. The same thing happened later on, when another Nephi Bully purposely ran his sleigh into my brother, breaking both of the bones in his forearm. Hal didn't cry, but I carried the bones and the globs of flesh home, where he was repaired. I told my parents, but they said it all could have been an accident. Once again I prayed, and sure enough, a couple years later, that Bully died of an unknown death. Since that day, I have learned a more proper way to pray. Last Sunday, before three of the Nephi Jones kids went on an all day trip to research the Ancient Indians that came through Juab Valley, I knelt down in humble prayer, that we would all travel in safety, and feel the spirit and souls of those that had gone on our way thousands of years before. That prayer was answered, at least the way I thought I had asked for. I would soon find out that God is one hell of a lot smarter that I was, and that things would work out and the only thing I should be doing is thanking Him for what I have received in abundance from Him, and pray for things- IF WAS TO BE HIS WILL AND THE BEST FOR ALL. It seems to work out better. And the three Jones kids made it home safe, as I prayed and I think each of us could feel the presence of those Ancient Ones that traveled through the sacred grounds of Juab Valley. The sign I received was ONE Ping on my old phone. Praying to God is as mysterious of how our cell phone works. Regardless of how many pings are going throughout the world, God will hear your direct call and consider all things for the benefit of all. That is the end of a true story. We felt the people this way come, but  my eyes are weak and so is this dam coffee.

1 comment:

  1. Strange I should have just barely read what you wrote about the three of us Nephi Jones Travelers on our Sabbath day adventure over a year ago, and even stranger that the content of your writing should have something to do with what I'm struggling with right now. That is to know that the forces of karma also known as God will punish those that need punishing and that I should restrain myself from doing that and not bury myself in hatred and revenge for those that deserve both.
