Tuesday, October 11, 2022


I wonder who taught who when it comes to truth, as both of these men I had met face to face and encountered both as truthful people. And no, you don't have to be a Mormon to have believed the miracle that happened on a street corner in Colorado, where they both served on LDS Missions at the same time, but it can cause one to ponder. As you may gather, Elgin Gardner was from Levan, and worked as an honest gas and oil distributor on Nephi's Track Street and was easy to find at home as he lived across the street. He then became a Commissioner for Juab County, and my conversations with people that worked and dealt with him felt they could have just have well been dealing with David O McKay, who grew up to be Mormon President, as both were honest as the Sun would shine in the Morn. Pres. McKay is in bottom photo and the middle tall Elder. Notice the high boot laces on the boots at the time of the 1920s and I about froze looking at the photo of the one getting baptized in the nearly frozen over river in Colorado or New Mexico. They often traveled by horse and lived with members of the church, then helped earn their keep by helping with chores. They both learned true work ethics and kept it til the end of life on earth. Three cheers for honest policitcans and a Prophet who I met as a kid when he stayed up the street with Ross Garrett, the Juab Stake President at the time. Brats we may have been, but he treated us as human as we were.

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