Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Joe was born on Oct. 13, 1871 and passed away on July 15, 1931. We are assuming the traveling photo man took this around 1885. Joe is one of the many kids of Edward Jones and Martha Jackson Jones. Martha Jackson, and her brother-Nephi Jackson were survivors of the Martin Handcart Company, many of who were meant with disaster when they encountered heavy snow and storms near Hell's Gate in Wyoming. Brigham Young of Mormon Fame directed those people to Nephi, Utah where Edward became a farmer and Blacksmith, living below the tracks that not yet been laid there, where Blake Garrett's family live now. Martha had a good relationship with the First wife of Edward Jones(Hannah Pendlebury) and sealed by Brother Brigham himself. We will also have a copy of the genealogy sheet which shows the connection. We also submit photo's of Lizzie Cazier and Louisa Broadhead, who were full sisters to my grandfather-Wm. Jones. From all I gather, the polygamy wives of Edward Jones got along with all very good, but to make sure, this writer has placed his tombstone next to his great grand father-Edward, and his two wives, just in case Heaven turns to Hell and I have to step in. Years ago while going through these old photos, my father(Alma-grandson of Edward Jones) drove to the home where the picture was taken of Louisa and Eliza and my old notes show it was the home south of where Grant and Treba Jones lived, which was on the corner of about 2nd South and 2nd East in Nephi.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


If you were raised in this area, then your family may enjoy reading the history of that which is written about us locals. We now see what old timers think is an over populated growth in Juab County, and many of the move-ins claim to know our Culture and History but are "Fakes", as they they think we have plenty of water here or just take it away from the farmers! There is time for you to learn, however, by seeing our history at the DUP Museum; walk to the Nephi Library; Sting like a Wasp; talk or help a neighbor. They are often more of that need that you know, til you know all of US! First Front page shows Two Twin sisters who remain Bravely Beautiful; Ute Stampede Committee, where one of my cousins has always served as a volunteer since 1935. Second Page shows photo of Randy McKnight who if you asked personally, he would probably say return the name of the Nephi Airport to its real name; but call the dam Dam up the Canyon "Bobs Pond" as it was Mayor Steele that lead that during the 1983-84 flood and warned the City Council two years ago it would happen again, but it fell on deaf ears, or so I heard. A page from 1984 will show who you may vote for.  Another front page will show photos of good people of the Lions Club; the Egg Man; a Marine who forgot to suck it in and volunteers of the American Legion, who would appreciate your donation for Veterans. And a front page from 1936 with good and bad news. I can't ever forget an important man of Nephi-June Carter, as it was with shock that I was delivering newspapers as a kid, when a car struck and killed him while walking across the street of Main and Depot. If you get into reading history, try to find the name of a man who may had fought for the Japanese Emperor, but grew good Sugar Beets and teach good work ethics, which has now evaporated from today.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Here is all you need to have for news. Before Mayor P. L. Jones brought in the Nephi Airport and the Ute Stampede, the local white folks shook hands with the Indians, and I remember going to the Blackhawk Encampment during the 1960's and now hear tell they had their last one a year or two ago. Not many of the Ancient Ones around anymore, which is where we could all get words of wisdom! And yup, we had boxing; baseball, Parade and real tents at Pioneer Park. Another page of the local but not so local news is about some Loco leader named Mussolini who teamed up with Hitler and said to be hiding Gold in the British Isles. And my favorite page is the stunning body suit of a swimmer, but you would have to go to Manhattan Beach to see her beauty! Read the Comics of 1935 or take a train ride to San Francisco for $12.00. And just like the Mormons, the Catholics had to have Vatican Guards to protect the Pope. Regardless of where you read this edition of the paper, I recommend you don't drink any "Cactus Juice", but if you do-get on over to Ord & Mangelson-they can grind and mix a compound that can relief that Foul Bowl Obstruction. And just in case-we don't yet have a State ran Liquor Store, but you can purchase some Wine or Brandy at the Cameo or by the Tracks on Depot Street. Ask for Bum Jones!

Sunday, March 12, 2023


Travis and Karen are what most Americans from a rural area can acknowledge and appreciate. Both parents have worked full time, and yet their priority has been their three kids. This photo is a few years ago, so they have all advanced in growth and admiration. The taller son is Tanner Jones, who had just received his Eagle Scout while working and being an A student at Juab High. He then served a two year LDS foreign language mission, then received his two year Associate Degree at Snow. He has now been accepted in to the Coast Guard and will soon be leaving after acing all of their tests. Middle son is Gentry who was able to be an A student at Juab High. then received his Eagle Scout Award; served a two year LDS Mission learning a foreign Language. He is a first year college kid at SUUC or the one in Cedar. The young kid is McCord who was active in baseball in school, like his old man, and an A student. He and each of the kids accurately learned what they never teach in any high school that I am aware of. The parents taught them good work ethics, and McCord has been my working side kick, and as soon as he was paid, he went right to the bank to deposit it for the future. He advanced as far as he could with the Boy Scouts of America, until a few bad apples caused the dismay of the tens of thousands of excellent Scout Masters and the major contributor pulled the rug from under McCord's feet, as he wanted to accomplish being an Eagle Scout. Never fear, he has turned into a Master shooter and a Raccoon and Coyote Trapper, ridding them from the used to be open fields where them thar varmints take down good animals. Some folks say that developers and politicians may be the worst varmints' to destroy a rural area, but this family moved to a spread where they can enjoy farming and riding horses, a lost art to Juab County. Gentry has already obtained one flying license and he too wants to join the military. This is a close knit family who will continue to serve God; their family; Church and their country before it is all gone. Like other of the Jones Boys since their arrival in Nephi during 1852, they have shied away from dating, as that sort of thing can wait until after they are educated in life rather than a school. If you don't know them, you ought to, as the love of family and good work ethics may not be on the school list of importance, and even this writer had a difficult time getting Nephi leaders to start saying the Pledge of Allegiance at City Council Meeting. Nephi Leaders didn't seem to understand that Nephi is still part of America!

Friday, March 10, 2023


Today is the Birthday of 120 year old Alma C. Jones of Nephi. This photo is when he was in World War Two when he went in the Army as a Medic, same as his son-Hal who was on the front lines of Viet Nam. Alma hurried home and got hitched to LaVon Harris, and bang bang. Not the rifle, but five kids, four of which are going out to lunch right now.  We have one of your blank checks from Nephi Commercial Bank of Nephi, so hope it covers our 19 cent hamburgers at Dee's. We all miss you, Dad.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 When it comes to writing Nephi or Family History, I enjoy writing about what I have and the journals; dairies and letters. But when in comes to doing the LDS Genealogy part of it, the brain gets fried, and I try to give that to family folks that can do it. That goes to the Harris family of which my mother is linked, and years ago, I spent a month in Wales tracking down as much as I could. Thanks to Lorraine Hayes for putting it together for me years ago. Through 300 years of the Harris family, their is too many Evan's and Johns. And when I went to the gravesides in Wales or the Church of England for records, it got worse. In those days, they had a lot of infant mortalities'. So if you lost a son, then you would name the second son the same as the first, and often times they forgot to put the DOB down, or the ancient headstones are wore out. So here goes. Sadie Marie Tolley was born in the local Tolley family, so she is related to the Jones family. She was a close friend of my mother-LaVon Harris Jones. A hundred years ago, they were great friends that walked home from school together, when they both went to the South Grade School of Nephi.The father of LaVon was Evan Harris, who lived in a home where the local food bank is in Nephi, and he had a Livery Stable at 135 West Depot Street, which we now call Center Street. Sadie seemed to know the family quite well, as her card to LaVon shows. Sure enough, Sadie ended up getting married to John Evan Harris on April 7, 1886 and now LaVon was an even closer friend to Sadie and her kids-Stella Harris Boswell and Blanch Harris Anderson. Then more confusing, here comes a son by the name of Evan Jay Harris and  after he married Helen, then their kids were Ken, Jerry, Evan, Karren and Vickie Harris. Now back to Sadie. As many of the Harris family was involved with construction, they moved to the Grass Valley area of California. John Evan Harris died on May 2, 1952, so LaVon was their to help the bereaving of her friend and now relative. In those days, a cursive letter met a lot more than flowers and or funeral potatoes, even though this writer will go to "Mormon Funeral" just to get the funeral potatoes, without knowledge of the deceased. LaVon, more than most knew the right words to say or write. We don't have that, but we do have a heart wrenching letter from Sadie to LaVon, finding strength to one of LaVon's favorite sayings of "One Day At A Time" The front and the back of the card are here, but since my brain is fried, you may have to reverse things a tit bit and make it darker. Regardless of who you are, or how dollar dough or kitchen dough you have, ALL will feel the knees go weak in different weeks, so just remember, take it all "One Day At A Time". Don't speed through life on earth, it comes pretty dam fast. Put it in Granny.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Frank was the son of "Uncle Hy" Tolley, who was a son of Wm Fisher Tolley of Pioneer Times.

Before we forget them all, we thought we would pay tribute to some of those that have passed, but not forgotten. Frank, and then his son Roy Tolley lived just below the tracks in Nephi at about 10th North. All of the kin of Wm. Fisher Tolley knew and kept good horses, and I smile as I drive past the area where Franks mother in-law lived in the still standing log home. And it must be the daughters of Roy who still have the horses and calf roping arena. Thanks to this Tolley family for helping to keep Juab County rural. Wm. Fisher Tolley came with the Mormon Pioneer Trek to Nephi, and called by Brother Brigham to build a decent road between Ft. Green and Nephi, as he was well known for that in the "ole country". And even after Roy Tolley passed away as the go to employee for Nephi Water, he had it all in his head, and better than any computer could keep track of. Frank was the brother of Ruth Zabriskie, and she was the main one to keep the dry wit humor of Uncle Hy Tolley alive and kicking. Frank was short but stout, and like Dell Steele or Gene Fullmer, you would be krazy to take any of them on. They would knock your socks off!